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We won't share this information or use it commericially.
This will only take a moment.
But there's only one way to know for sure, so keep reading.
Although your address wasn't found in our database we can't be 100% sure you aren't rent stabilized, so keep reading!
Orange means a property likely has rent-stabilized apartments.
Be sure to tell them your name, address, apartment number, and that you'd like to request your rent history.
It will be mailed to your apartment.
It shouldn't take more than a week to arrive in the mail
Meanwhile, have your friends and neighbors check their apartments too!
Contact a tenants rights group for advice. These groups can provide useful information and help you take the best course of action.
Contact a tenants rights group for advice. These groups can provide useful information and help you take the best course of action. Here are groups that help people in your neighborhood.
File a complaint with the HCR by filling out and mailing a rent overcharge form. But be aware that your landlord will be notified when you file a complaint.